Monday, March 2, 2015


The students calculated the value of their spelling words. Each letter was worth different coins. They had to use the key and add the amount of each letter to find the total. 



The students enjoy working with their spelling words by playing games on Spelling City. 
The student read the story Firefighters in small groups. 


The students journaled about their Mardi Gras holiday. 


Ella’s father is a Firefighter and took the time to come and speak to our second graders about his job and fire safety. Thank you Fireman Bozeman for your hard work in our community. The students learned a lot about this first responder job. 



The students wrote stories about being a firefighter. In the art center, they illustrated their stories. 


The students enjoy playing math games on IXL. 

Boggle is one of their favorite centers. 


In reading groups we read about community helpers. 


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