Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Anisha

                          Anisha shared a cookie cake with her class to celebrate her 8th birthday.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Birthday Blessing

Angelo received his birthday blessing during our first Friday chapel with Father Michael.
Happy Birthday Angelo!

Mr. Dieth Accepts the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS

Second grade enjoyed watching Mr. Dieth accept the ice bucket challenge for ALS.
Once completed Mr. Dieth challenged Mrs. Sorrells to the
ice bucket challenge and she graciously accepted.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

First Day in 2nd Grade

What a GREAT day in 2A! 

In each bag, the students found five items to help them be successful in second grade. The bookmark because we will be reading a lot of wonderful books. A pencil because we will be writing creative stories. An eraser because everyone makes mistakes. A sticker because we will all stick together. Finally, there were smarties in the bag because everyone is smart! Oh, and thanks to Ms. Ott the students enjoyed a snack of gold fish because they are o-FISH-ally in 2nd grade!!

We had a GREAT first day in 2B!